Success Stories

Success Stories Why AssureX

Sandeep and Saurabh win Sitecore Most Valuable Professional award

Elite distinction awarded for commitment and dedication to the Sitecore community London, United Kingdom – Febr...

Sitecore Commerce Spcialisation - Assurex
Success Stories

Assurex Achieves a Milestone in Sitecore Commerce Specialization

Product-focused partner specialization awarded after completing a rigorous enablement process London, United Kingdom ...

News & Events Sitecore Success Stories Why AssureX

Assurex’s Sandeep Pote and Saurabh Sachdeva Named Sitecore Most Valuable Professional

In the MVP program’s 15th year, the elite group of professionals are recognized for their dedication to the Sitecore com...

News & Events Sitecore Success Stories

AssureX is now a Silver Sitecore® Partner

It has been 1.5 years since we started our operations in the UK and today, we are pleased to announce that we have been ...

Business Tools
Commerce Development Sitecore Success Stories

Setup Sitecore Commerce Business Tools Development Environment

Business Tools is extensible using the pluggable framework and allows you to extend UI using Entity Views. Though, Busin...

AssureX - B2B
B2B B2B Commerce Commerce News & Events Success Stories Why AssureX

AssureX® B2B Accelerator for Sitecore Commerce

Last year, I wrote about AssureX® and why we started this company to focus on commerce space. Within a short span of one...